/* This calculator is your for free by Calendarscripts.info. You have no obligations for anything - you can modify, redistribute, sell it or whatever you want to do.
We will appreciate if you don't remove the link at the bottom, but that's not required. */
/* Feel free to modify the CSS and the texts below. - no problem at all. Just don't touch the PHP code or the specual codes which are surrounded with %% unless you know what you are doing. */
/* Version 1.1 released on Nov 7, 2011*/
<style type="text/css">
font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif;
border:2pt solid #4444FF;
<!--?php if(!empty($_POST['calculator_ok'])):
//last cycle date
//convert to time
// next period start
$next_period=$lasttime + $_POST['days']*24*3600;
$next_period=date("F d, Y",$next_period);
//first fertile day
$firstdaytime=$lasttime + $_POST['days']*24*3600 - 16*24*3600;
$firstday=date("F d, Y",$firstdaytime);
//last fertile day
$lastdaytime=$lasttime + $_POST['days']*24*3600 - 12*24*3600;
$lastday=date("F d, Y",$lastdaytime);
//have to adjust due date?
$diff=$_POST['days'] - 28;
//due date $date + 280 days
$duedatetime=$lasttime + 280*24*3600 + $diff*24*3600;
$duedate=date("F d, Y",$duedatetime);
<div class="calculator_table">
<p>Here are the results based on the information you provided:</p>
<p>Your next <b>menstrual period</b> is expected to start on <strong><!--?php echo $next_period?--></strong>.</p>
<p>You next <b>most fertile</b> period is <strong><!--?php echo $firstday?--> to <!--?php echo $lastday?--></strong>.</p>
<p>If you conceive within this timeframe, your estimated <b>due date</b> will be <strong><!--?php echo $duedate?--></strong>.</p>
<p align="center"><input value="Calculate again!" onclick="window.location='http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];?><?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?>'" type="button"></p>
<!--?php else:
//the calculator comes here
<div class="calculator_table">
<form method="post">
<p>Please select the first day of your last menstrual period:</p>
<p><!--?php echo date_chooser("date",date("Y-m-d"))?--></p>
<p>Usual number of days in your period: <select name="days">
if($i==28) $selected='selected="true"';
else $selected='';
echo "<option $selected value='$i'-->$i";
<p align="center"><input name="calculator_ok" value="Calculate" type="submit"></p>
<!--?php endif;
//to print a date chooser - get name and value in mysql date format
function date_chooser($name,$value="")
if(empty($value)) $value=date("Y-m-d");
$chooser.="<select name='".$name."month'-->";
if($i==$month) $selected='selected="true"';
else $selected='';
$chooser.="<option $selected="" value="$i">$months[$i]</option>";
$chooser.=" / ";
$chooser.="<select name="".$name."day">";
if($i==$day) $selected='selected';
else $selected='';
$chooser.="<option $selected="" value="$i">$i</option>";
$chooser.="</select> / ";
$chooser.="<select name="".$name."year">";
if($i==$year) $selected='selected';
else $selected='';
$chooser.="<option $selected="">$i</option>";
$chooser.="</select> ";
return $chooser;