One in Ten with PCOS

One in ten women is battling Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). One in ten faces irregular menstrual cycles, acne, weight gain, and inability to lose weight. One in ten experience hormonal imbalances that affect other major systems in their body like the endocrine system. One in ten suffers infertility or difficulties in getting pregnant due to this disease. We field many questions from our clients about how our products can support and help manage their PCOS symptoms and increase fertility. We’re happy to provide insight and encouragement to our PCOS warriors by sharing how the ingredients in our fertility product line can help.


Our Promise Fertility Vitamins were curated with ingredients to enhance egg quality, regulate hormones and insulin, and improve cycle regularity among other benefits. You’ll find the ingredients on our product page, and now we’ll explore more about the benefits they provide for improving fertility and also meeting the unique needs of women with PCOS.

  • Inositol

Insulin resistance and defects in insulin secretion have been linked to PCOS and are seen in roughly 70% of cases. The effect of insulin resistance on the body stimulates the production of excess insulin which alters the functioning of the ovaries causing them to produce more testosterone and other androgen hormones. Insulin resistance also alters the ratios of other reproductive hormones. These imbalances can impair egg development and affect your normal ovulation patterns and cycles. Inositol improves insulin-receptor activity, decreases insulin resistance, and improves fertilization rates and embryo quality.

  • Coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q-10)

Co-Q-10 is an antioxidant your body produces naturally but levels can decrease as you age. This antioxidant reduces insulin and testosterone levels and improves egg quality and quantity. Co-Q-10 is known to be a beneficial nutritional component for improving ovarian response and overall fertility health.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to insulin resistance, and 67-85% of women with PCOS cannot maintain adequate levels of Vitamin D. These decreased levels in the body can exacerbate the common symptoms of PCOS and negatively affect menstruation regularity and ovulation. By supplementing Vitamin D women with PCOS can better manage their symptoms.

  • Docosahexaenoic Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA Omega-3)

Like all of our vitamins, Fertility Vitamins contain pharmaceutical grade DHA Omega-3 fatty acids. DHA Omega 3 is a crucial component of maintaining a healthy body. This fatty acid plays a role in insulin sensitivity, ovulation, and supports egg and sperm quality. Studies have shown that a diet of anti-inflammatory foods may improve metabolic function in PCOS sufferers, and Omega 3 is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Zinc

Zinc deficiency is more prevalent in women with PCOS and is linked to insulin resistance and abnormal cholesterol levels. Zinc aids the body in insulin production, storage, and release, supports egg and cell development, and may improve hormonal imbalances and ovulation. In addition to those benefits zinc may also offer relief for other PCOS symptoms such as acne, facial hair growth, weight management, and hair loss.

  • Vitamin B12 and Folate (B9)

It is well known that folic acid has a critical role in the development and growth of fetuses. It is also essential before fetal development for egg quality, growth, and implantation. Women seeking to get pregnant benefit from folate supplementation because it can increase progesterone levels and reduce the risk of anovulation which is when the ovaries fail to produce, mature, or release an egg. Vitamin B12 helps lower inflammation and balances hormones; both B12 and B9 vitamins are highly recommended for women with PCOS for these reasons.

  • Melatonin

Melatonin is not just important for regulating the body’s natural circadian rhythms; the ovaries contain melatonin receptors that play a role in sex steroid secretions during egg maturation. Melatonin is also an anti-oxidant that reduces free radicals which protects the ovary follicles as they mature promoting healthier and more fertile eggs.

Whether you are actively trying to become pregnant, are preparing to become pregnant, or are simply looking for a vitamin to help manage your PCOS, Promise is here for you. We are proud to offer you the convenience of meeting your nutritional needs in one small daily capsule, and the promise of organic, natural, bio-available ingredients in that capsule. PCOS is not an easy disease to manage, but we stand with you in your fight for health and fertility. We encourage you to take care of yourself, and you may find that other products such as our Hydrating Facial Cleanser work to help alleviate other PCOS symptoms like acne. We are here for you, and we welcome you to contact us with questions and comments on how we can help as you manage your PCOS!



CNY Fertility. “The Ten Best Supplements for PCOS.” CNY Fertility, 2 Aug 2021, Accessed 31 Oct 2021.

Dunaif, A. “Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome: mechanism and implications for pathogenesis.” National Library of Medicine, Dec 1997, Accessed 31 Oct 2021.

Mayo Clinic Staff. “Coenzyme Q10.” Mayo Clinic, 10 Nov 2020, Accessed 31 Oct 2021.

Mojaverrostami, Sina; Asghari, Narjes ; Khamisabadi, Mahsa; and Khoei Heidar Heidari. “The role of melatonin in polycystic ovary syndrome: A review.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, 30 Dec 2019, Accessed 2 Nov 2021.

Poulton, Tarryn. “Zinc and PCOS- 8 Reasons You Should be Taking Zinc for Your PCOS.” PCOS Diet Support, 2021, Accessed 5 Nov 2021.

Raja-Kahn, Nazia and Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. “Vitamin D for the Treatment of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).” U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 May 2009, Accessed 2 Nov 2021.

Yang, Kailin; Zeng, Liuting; Tingting, Bao; and Ge, Jinwen. “Effectiveness of Omega-3 fatty acid for polycystic ovary syndrome: a systemic review and meta- analysis.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, 27 Mar 2018, Accessed 31 Oct 2021.




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