There’s nothing fishy about it!
DHA Omega 3 is the mega omega when it comes to baby’s development. When a pregnant or nursing woman takes DHA Omega 3 on a daily basis, she is helping her child’s brain, eye, central nervous system, and tissue development. In fact, DHA represents about 97% of all omega-3 fats in the brain and 93% of omega-3 fats in the retina in the eye. Since developing babies cannot produce their own DHA it’s even more important that moms get the amount that they need to help their child develop.
DHA is most often found in fatty fish and organ meats, and if you’re a pregnant woman, you know that many types of fish are off limits. Pregnant and nursing women should be getting around 300 mg of DHA Omega-3 daily, in order to meet her needs as well as her baby’s.
DHA Omega-3 also has a positive effect on the pregnancy itself. Increase intake of DHA has been shown to prevent preterm labor and delivery, lower the risk of preeclampsia, and can increase a child’s birth weight. Omega-3 has also been shown to help mother’s fight postpartum depression and other postpartum mood disorders.
Research proves that adding DHA along with an already balanced diet has a positive effect, not only for the mother, but the child as well. Omega-3s are used after birth to make breast milk and help the mother’s tissue heal after delivery. Babies that experienced higher levels of DHA while developing had better visual and cognitive development, lower risk of severe allergies as an infant, and higher attention span well into their second year of life.
When looking for a safe, quality DHA to take during pregnancy, make sure that your Omega-3 is free of environmental toxins, like mercury, that fresh fish are often exposed to. These toxins are eliminated during the refining and manufacturing of fish oil. Like all products, some types of fish oil are higher quality than others. A reputable fish oil manufacturer almost always will have a third party certification. If you are unsure about the product, you can always call and ask for a copy of their certification.
Regardless of if you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or breastfeeding, it’s always a good idea to take a DHA Omega-3 supplement. We offer a great option to otherwise “fishy” DHA. Our gel capsule is strawberry flavored and leaves no awful aftertaste or upset stomach. Click here to shop!